

Values and Responsibilities (Participant Workbook)

Values and Responsibilities (Participant Workbook)

Paper workbook,

publisher: Hazelden

Pages : 29

HZ 7087
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Understanding and practicing daily living skills can be crucial to the success of clients making significant life transitions. Hazelden Publishing’s Living Skills program is designed to provide the tools necessary to live a healthy, fulfilling life while meeting the needs of today’s diverse client population. This program is ideal for a variety of settings, including addiction treatment centers, mental health settings, educational settings, and criminal justice settings. 

Values and Responsibilities, part of the Personal Growth segment of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 

The exercises and information found in the workbooks help individual participants revisit what they learned during the facilitated sessions, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. The learners complete the workbook on their own, either in session or as take-home work. 

The four sessions of this program include:Session 1: Introduction to Values and Responsibilities
Session 2: What are Values?
Session 3: What are Personal Responsibilities?
Session 4: Fulfilling Your Responsibilities

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